Tuesday, July 6, 2010

She Got Two Teefers!!

Bella's two bottom teeth have started to cut through!! Yesterday July 5th I was getting ready to feed her and I saw them just starting to peek through!! She is only 20 weeks old and has teeth! My baby is growing fast!! Mom told me Carly or I got teeth early. I asked Jr to get my baby book down from the attic so I can see if it was me. I will let you know when he gets it for me. She woke up through the night on Saturday and Sunday for no apparent reason... I had to rock her back to sleep. Now I know it must have been her teeth hurting her! She woke up again last night in pain. So I gave her a bit of Tylenol to ease the pain while they are cutting through. I called Jr as soon as I noticed them and he couldn't wait to get home to see them. We were so excited!! She has been biting on anything she can find including our fingers. But now it hurts!! She got her Daddy and Gramma good already! Its amazing how excited parents can get over first teeth. I am so proud of you Bella! Junior also caught her putting her foot in her mouth for the first time on the 4th. I guess she needed something to chew on!! We love you Bella LeeAnn and your two first teeth!

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