Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Boating Bella!

We took Bella on the boat for the first time on Sunday! We got her a cute pink life jacket which I was worried she would hate wearing... but she didn't mind it at all! She looked so little in her life jacket! She loved watching the other boats pass by and the people who waved at us. They thought Bella was pretty cute too! We took a nice ride down imperial river. She even helped Daddy steer the boat. Then we went into the bay and started to go fast. She was a little nervous at first. So we made it fun and said YAY!!! She liked that and started smiling and clapping when we went fast again. She is a great little boater! We are going to go again this weekend and make a stop at the beach this time! It was a perfect family Sunday. Bella had a long nap when we got home and Junior and I got to hang by the pool.The Florida Fall weather is here and
 it feels great!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Bella's Baby Food

I have been making some homemade baby food for Bella. When I was pregnant I pictured myself making every meal for her from scratch. Didn't you know I was going to be the next Susie/Lisa homemaker! Well, I have the cute little apron and I do like cooking but my vision has not become reality. I enjoy doing other things with my time so I don't always get to whip up a batch of homemade baby food goodness. Now that the world has gone green and people are becoming aware of what chemicals they put into their bodies. There are some good organic options of packaged baby food to choose from. I buy the Gerber Organics and Earths Best Organics. She loves her peaches and applesauce and sweet peas. We make bananas and sweet potatoes at home and have been trying more things as she gets older. Once she reaches nine months I can start incorporating some different foods into her diet. I have been looking into some healthy snack options for her too. She likes her all natural mum mums and apple puffs right now. When she gets older Annies is a line of all natural snacks for kids. They have cheddar  fish, Graham bunnies, and fruit snacks with no preservatives. It looks like a good snack for when we are on the go. Everyday I try to be more like the mother I made myself to be in my dreams. I want the best for my Bella but know I can't be perfect and its ok! Shes a happy girl and I'm a happy mommy!

Look at the yummy sweet potatoes I made for my Bella Boo!

Complete with Baby finger prints!

Thanks Mom!