Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I had my checkup Today!

Today I am 24 weeks 5 days! I had a check up today with an ultrasound. Bella looked great!!! She is 1lb 8 oz!! They checked all her organs, her brain, and heart. Everything is growing right on track! They said her brain looks extra smart! ;) We could see her practicing breathing. Her mouth would open and she would swallow the amniotic fluid. Then her chest would rise and fall. So cool!! Every ultrasound we have had so far she has been sucking her thumb and she didn't let us down today. She was doing it again! It will be interesting to see if she does it outside the womb. Here is a picture of her little body. I now start going to the Dr. every 2 weeks!! The Dr. was like ok, I will see you back in 2 weeks I said REALLY?! Umm, reality check I am almost in the third trimester! I hadn't even thought about the every 2 week checkup towards the end. I am used to going every 4 weeks. My next appointment is November 11th.

Bella LeeAnn 24 weeks 5 Days

24 weeks
My Bucs Maternity Tee from Trin! Junior Loves it. Wish the team was doing better.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Bella's Full Name is...

"Bella LeeAnn Cotto". Her middle name is very special because it is after the two most important women in my life. My Mom and Sister. Mom's middle name is Lee and Carly's middle name is Ann. So We decided on LeeAnn! I am sure they will be a steady loving presence in her life. I love that her name has a special meaning.  I hope she loves it too! Our Little Bella LeeAnn.

Friday, October 23, 2009

A fun way to inform my family and friends!

Hi!! Thanks for checking out my blog. I started this when I was 9 weeks pregnant but have never updated it since. So here I am again at 24 weeks. I am going to post info about our baby girl on here weekly. It will be an online diary of sorts about our life and Baby Girl. I just made a new post below on how Baby Bella is doing. Please come visit me here anytime you want. Love, Lisa

24 Weeks Today!

Wow! Today is Viability day. Once you hit 24 weeks the Fetus has a Viable chance of surviving outside the womb with some medical intervention of course. So another great milestone! She is the size of a papaya and my uterus is the size of a soccer ball. She has been doing gymnastics in my belly all day today. I love it when she is this active!! We have been busy these last few weeks painting Bellas room. Mom and I have been having a great time finding all things Pink! We got the Glider this week ( Thank you Gramma Sharon) and the organic crib mattress. Next we need the crib! I can't wait to see her bedding in the crib. Check out the picture for a sneak peek. The dresser used to be Mine and Carlys when we were kids. Andy added a topper to it so we can use it as a changing table. I ordered the butterfly mobile from a lady on who hand makes them. So cute!! I love my butterflys!!