Blooming into the person I am meant to be, Dreaming of all the the things to come, Loving my beautiful life, Getting inspired by the world around me....
Friday, July 30, 2010
Girl Time
Daddy had poker night today with the guys. So I took you shopping and got a Chai Tea soy latte for me! (Kristen just got me into this...what did she say... it tastes like Christmas!) Just me and you baby girl. You really are such a good girl! You are so fun to go shopping with. Such a happy girl! We always get people telling us how beautiful you are and how much they love your hair! I put your cute pink leopard shoes on you and you kept wanting to chew on them! You are definitely getting more teeth. This week you have been drooling like crazy and biting everything. We went to Coconut Point mall. I was trying to find pillows for the new couch we just got. I found the perfect ones...I hope Daddy likes them. There is even a butterfly on one of them! Then we came home and you ate your dinner and I sipped on some wine. Then I gave you a bath and put you to bed. You were tired. You are such an angel. The looks you give me just melt my heart. How special it is to be the center of your universe right now! I love looking at your sweet sleeping angel face. You are so beautiful to me Bella!! I love you so much!!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
5 months Old!!...just a little late ;)
I know I have said it before but she is growing so fast! She has done so many new things this past month! Rolling, Teething, Bouncing, Eating Solids,....being cute with all her new screams and noises. I just can't wait to see what she will do next!! I love you my Bella Boo!
Speaking of growing....Jr got my baby book down from the attic!
At 5 months I was 14lbs 12 oz and 24 3/8 inches
Bella is almost 17lbs and 27 inches (according to my measurements)
She was 15.8 lbs and 26 inches at her 4 month appt.
What a difference!! They say you gain 1lb per inch so her weight matches her height...
I can't wait to see her stats at her 6 month appointment. Looks like she is going to be taller than her Mama!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Dipping Her Toes in The Gulf!
Junior, Bella, and I went to the Beach on Sunday. It was Bella's first time dipping her toes in the Gulf!! She loves the water! It was very hot though.... about 98 degrees! So we didn't stay for long. We took a short walk up and down the beach and then stopped to let Bella try out the water! We are looking forward to family beach and boat days once she gets older and its not so hot!
Walking to the beach!
There's the Gulf!
Beach Baby
Dipping Toes!
Time to Go....Its Hot Mom and Dad!
Friday, July 16, 2010
I don't know why but every time I take a shower for the past few weeks you start crying half way through! I would love to be able to shave my armpits and legs on the same day instead of having to rush and not be able to finish! Oh...and since I have to get out to a crying baby my hair hasn't been blow dried every day. Good thing I have straight hair and it doesn't look to bad when not blown out. I even put you in the bouncy in our tiny bathroom so you can see me. You used to nap or play in your crib during this time... I can't wait until you grow out of this phase. I think it may be your teeth. You have needed Mommy to hold you more and you don't like it when you can't see me...Bella, don't you know I like to take long showers and use all the girlie scrubs and stuff. Don't you want mommy to look pretty?? I look forward to Sunday when Daddy is home and I can take as long as I want!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Can You See My Tooth?!!
Bella's bottom left tooth is half way up and the right one is starting to peek through! She was laughing and enjoying her bouncer and I caught it on camera!!
Check out my happy girl!
Check out my happy girl!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
She Got Two Teefers!!
Bella's two bottom teeth have started to cut through!! Yesterday July 5th I was getting ready to feed her and I saw them just starting to peek through!! She is only 20 weeks old and has teeth! My baby is growing fast!! Mom told me Carly or I got teeth early. I asked Jr to get my baby book down from the attic so I can see if it was me. I will let you know when he gets it for me. She woke up through the night on Saturday and Sunday for no apparent reason... I had to rock her back to sleep. Now I know it must have been her teeth hurting her! She woke up again last night in pain. So I gave her a bit of Tylenol to ease the pain while they are cutting through. I called Jr as soon as I noticed them and he couldn't wait to get home to see them. We were so excited!! She has been biting on anything she can find including our fingers. But now it hurts!! She got her Daddy and Gramma good already! Its amazing how excited parents can get over first teeth. I am so proud of you Bella! Junior also caught her putting her foot in her mouth for the first time on the 4th. I guess she needed something to chew on!! We love you Bella LeeAnn and your two first teeth!
Our Little Miss America
We had a rainy 4th of July weekend but we still had fun! We went to see the fireworks on Saturday night at Miromar. We tailgated in the rain with our friends for a few hours before the fireworks. Junior got to use his new Freedom Grill that he got for fathers day. It is a tailgating grill that hooks up to the back of the truck on the hitch. My cameras battery died so I don't have any pics of the grill but I will take some next time. He got it painted in the Bucs colors! Gramma and Grampa babysat Bella LeeAnn while we had fun at the fireworks. Thanks Gramma and Grampa! Hope you enjoy the pics of Bella in her all American outfit! She looks great in red!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Bella Rolls!!
She has been rolling for about a week now. Check her out in action from this morning! She can roll from her back to her belly. But she can't roll back the other way yet. So she will sit there for a few minutes and then get mad. Then I have to roll her back!! She is having so much fun!!
P.S. Auntie Mandy do you recognize that quilt?.... That was the one you made for me when I was a baby!!
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