Wednesday, January 13, 2010

False Labor!!

We went to the movies on Sunday and I started getting contractions! They were coming every 15 minutes. I was worried since I was only a little over 35 weeks. I called the Dr. at 9:00pm to let him know I was contracting. He said to come in if I got 6 within an hour. He said they would not stop the labor if she decided to come. I was up all night with contractions!! They would get consistent about every 6 minutes for 1/2 an hour and then they would slow down to every 10 minutes. The Dr. told us to come in the next morning. They checked to see if I was dilating. Nope.... no dilation after ALL those contractions! Then they put me on a monitor to check the contractions. I got them every 5 minutes for about a 1/2 and hour then they jumped to 6 and 7 minutes. They told us to go have lunch and walk around the hospital for a few hours. Then come back to get checked. If I was dilating they would admit me!! Scary! So we walked every floor of the hospital a few times. Got in my exercise for the day! =) We went back to get checked but still no dilation! So they sent us home with Tylenol 3 with codeine. They told me to take 2 and take a nap to see if they would stop. I took a great nap but woke up contracting. I was up half the night again but they didn't get into a consistent pattern. They had me come back in on Tuesday to check on me. I have not dilated but her head has come down and my cervix has softened. So they told me I may have her in a few days or it could be weeks. I am still getting mild contractions but they said it was ok it won't hurt they baby it will just be uncomfortable for me. Bella gave us some stress for the past 3 days! But we feel better now that we know she is ok and it is just false labor. They said I will know when the real labor starts and to come in when they are consistently 5 minutes apart. We can't wait to see Bellla! I will let you know when the REAL labor starts! =)

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