Friday, April 30, 2010

Bella's 2 Month Picture...

Guess I better post her 2 month picture before she turns 3 months!! Bella will be 11 weeks old on Sunday! At her two month checkup she weighed 12.5 lbs and was 23 inches long!! Where is she getting this height from! She is still in the 80th percentile. Her weight matches her height. I was getting worried that she was getting to chunky but the doctor said she is Perfect!! Infact he told me to start feeding her more!! She got 3 shots that day. She did not like that very much. She let out the biggest scream and her eyes almost popped out of her head on the first stick. Poor baby!! I got tears in my eyes. Glad Daddy was with us!
She is becoming very talkative! It is the cutest thing!! She gets so excited and kicks her feet and makes cooing noises. She smiles all the time! I think she has her Daddys beautiful smile. Her hair still sticks straight up in the back. She looks like a little rooster! I love it!!

We had a great time around the pool last weekend. We dipped her feet in. She loves the water! I am going to wait until she is a bit older until I put her in all the way. Junior and I both commented that it is going to be a fun Summer!!  I think we were both picturing the future and Bella splashing around in the pool and all the fun to come. Life is great as a Family!

oh, and yes that is spit up on her face. Its a common occurence around here! I had to capture her first dip in the pool though! She spit up as we did it!!

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