I haven't updated the blog recently because we have been moving our shop for the past few weeks. Kind of crazy with having a newborn!! But a great opportunity to move in to the Bonita Bubble Car Wash building. So we took it! Our lease ends today on the old shop. We put a lot of time and effort in getting that location going. It looks great but it didn't have the exposure we wanted. This new location has 100-150 cars per day that go through the car wash! So it will be like free advertising. Junior has the shop booked today plus we have work at the dealerships. We are renting one of their back bays. Andy built us a nice desk. Junior painted the bay and got it all organized. It looks really nice. If you are in the area stop by and check us out!

Bella and I have been getting a bit more adventurous! We went for a nice walk last week with Kristen and Michelle. Kristen had us meet at Naples park off of Livingston Rd. Michelle has a daughter Gianna who is 3 days older than Bella. So they got to hang out for the first time!
We took a trip to Target! She was a good girl. Just slept while mommy shopped! She really loved it but was holding all her excitement in! ha,ha I got her two cute new dresses! Having a girl is so much fun! Don't you just love her hair bow!
We went out for dinner to Outback with Gramma and Grampa. I got to drink a Cosmo for the first time in almost a year. Oh, how I love a good Cosmo!! She got a little fussy towards the end of dinner but I just took her out of her carseat and rocked her back to sleep. Here she is just chillin out.
Looking forward to enjoying my little girl and having lots more adventures together.