Friday, August 3, 2012

Summer Days

Early morning swinging,funny spiders,pool time too. We are always trying to beat the summer heat so we get out early and enjoy the quiet cool of the morning in our beautiful yard. A funny round spider had built his web on our swings. Bella saw lots of lizzys and a a pretty dragonfly came over to rest on her big bouncey ball. It seems these simple moments are the ones I enjoy most. Just letting myself go and not worrying about routines. Making new ones and letting new fun in.

We went to the lakes park baby boot camp class yesterday. It was a very peaceful setting...and also very hot right now(94 degrees). Lots of open grass to run, walking trails, lakes, playground and train rides. I think it will be fun to go there in the fall. After class we went to Barnes n Noble and had a coffee and sweets with our friend Kari and her Son Ryder. He was born two days before Isaiah. They are both getting so big! It was nice to browse around the children's section. I found the cutest book called Tallulah's Tutu.

I think it is a bit to old for Bella yet so I am going to wait and get it as a treat later. I was looking for ballerina books since Bella starts dance class next Thursday! I am SO excited for my little dancer! I ended up getting her a cool reusable ballerina sticker book and a stamp set. We have one ballerina book at home she has added to her night time routine. Gramma went with us last week to get her dance shoes and leotards. She is doing Ballet and Tap. She was really excited to wear her tappy taps as she calls them. Of course I had to buy a few to many dance outfits,tutus,and matching hair accessories. I can't wait to get her all dressed up. I am going to Joann's today to buy pink ribbons for her new shoes.

Practicing her twirls

An afternoon stroll around the neighborhood.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

The New 32

I turned 32 on Wednesday. It was one of my most perfect birthdays yet. :) I woke up to my sweet baby girl Bella and my thoughtful hubby singing happy birthday and Bella proudly carrying a cupcake with pink icing and a lit candle. I rolled over to look into her eyes and see the way they sparkled with pride and happiness. She was excited for her Mamas birthday. Happy to Mommy, happy birthday to Mommy,happy birthday to you...looking at her singing I thought to myself this is one of the special moments I dreamed of when I dreamed of being a Mommy. I smiled on the outside and my heart was spilling over with love on the inside. Bella,Daddy, and I split the cupcake for breakfast. Daddy made us coffee, soft boiled eggs,toast, and bacon. Yum! Isaiah sat in his highchair and ate bananas and cheerios. To think a little over a year ago Bella was that small and now she is singing me happy birthday!! These days are long but the years are to fast. I keep reminding myself to cherish every moment and cuddle I can get from my babies. I want to live in the now because the future seems to come way to fast.

Daddy went to work and we went to baby boot camp. My mommy friends were all sweet and gave me lots of birthday wishes. A few of us went for coffee after class. We enjoyed sitting and chatting while our children drank apple juice and ate a snack. We told them it was a tea party. Bella gave me a sweet cheers and a happy to you with her apple juice cup in hand. She sat so nicely and baby talked and smiled with the other kids around her. It was so sweet to see her having fun and enjoying her little friends while us Moms chatted about restaurants and date nights and what I was doing for my birthday that day.

We headed home to an old friend that was bringing us lunch and birthday cheer. I hadn't seen her in a while and we had a lovely little visit. It was sweet of her to spend her lunch break with us. Thanks Shaunna. :) I got some sweet texts and online love from facebook and special ecards as well as calls and cards in the mail from my Mom and Grandma. Each birthday wish made me feel so special and loved.

Bella took a late nap. I played with Isaiah and took a nice hot shower. Mom,Andy, and Carly were coming over for dinner. Junior was cooking us Salmon and Shrimp on the grill. He had all ingredients waiting in the fridge for when he came home. Along with a marble cake with white icing and red roses that read, "Happy Birthday Mommy". He brought home real roses too. A lovely shade of red that matched the cake. He didn't plan for them to match, but I loved that they did. Bella saw the cake in the fridge and asked if she could have some every time we opened the fridge that day. She was excited for our family to come for a visit and that meant she could eat cake when they got here too. I am not sure which one she was more excited for them or the cake.;)

Junior got home and got straight to work making my night special. He grilled a delicious meal while we all played on our new playground with the kids. Junior had the music on and the weather was beautiful. Bella and Isaiah loved getting pushed in the swings and running all over the lawn. Bella had So much energy and just kept making us smile and laugh with what seemed like every second. It was so nice to see how she made her Gramma, Grampa, and Titi smile as we played.

It was a simple day with some very special magical moments. Some everyone saw and some only to my eyes and heart. I went to bed with a full heart, happy to be 32. :)

My Princess in the morning

Great evening outside

cake and ice cream...even Isaiah got a taste :)

The chef and best hubby

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Bella is Two!!

Happy 2nd birthday to my beautiful Bella LeeAnn!! I love you so much,and now you are two! Two wonderful years of watching you grow. What a little princess you have become! You have enough personality for 10 two year olds!You make our home so happy with your smiles, laughs, hugs, and kisses.You love to dance,sing,read,swim,color,bike,jump....and so much more. You are the happiest little girl I know. Here are some pictures of your special day. We love you Bella!!

She woke up to a new play table(for her playhouse outside),balloon's,flowers,and a cupcake!

Bella stuffing her first build a bear

She gave her a bath

Carrying her new bear home...she had to carry it herself!

Birthday dinner with Happy..her new California Pizza Kitchen

Her new play kitchen from Gramma and Grampa!

Titi got her Elmo and a cash register!

Cupcakes and Ice Cream

I LOVE you Bella my princess!!xoxo

Saturday, January 21, 2012


This word keeps coming up this week. "Only the person who risks is truly free"
What risks do I want to take this year? What fears do I want to face?
Why don't we just do the things we dream of doing, dream of being, living the life we dreamed of when we were younger and didn't have all the day to day responsibilities...What will make me Lisa...not Lisa the Mom...not Lisa the Wife...but me Lisa.

What I have learned over these past 31 years from life experience,books, friends, and family...if you are truly happy then your life is happy

It always makes me feel good to "check in" and remember my happiness

It really is the little things, that make me happy...

I made a list about a year ago... a happiness list.. all the things that make me happy..Its funny how many simple things made it

A warm breeze touching my skin
a smile from my kids
a heartfelt hug from my husband
a cup of coffee...preferably a Starbucks caramel macchiato, hot, with soy milk..
Wine, pinot grigio on a hot day and pinot noir when its a bit chilly outside
dark chocolate
working out..pretty new for me, I have only done this consistently since I had my Bella, but I find if I go with out it I get in funk...
time with friends...true friends,my mommy friends,best friends,fun new acquaintances
afternoon visits from Gramma
planning get togethers and having friends over to my house
reading...books,magazines-fashion-design,my nook,my favorite blogs
getting my hair cut and colored
ok, anything that involves pampering
photography,photos all over my home
having my sister close to home
the quiet of the world early in the morning
sparkles of sun sprinkled across the Florida waters
sleeping babies in my arms..oh how I love those warm little bodies and innocent little faces
My small crazy family...Grammas and Titis included
Dancing like nobody is watching
oh, I love writing   ...   and using !!! (bet you already knew that if you know me)

In 2012 I want to be present more in my daily life,with my children,husband,family,and friends
(Isaiah just slept through the night for the first time this week...I can see the light and the energy coming my way ;) Take the risks..big and small

More time outside with my kids
Make fun memories and traditions with them...Jr and I are off to a great start
Take a few photography lessons
Update the kids baby books
Write in my Blog regularly!!
Work out at baby boot camp 3 days a week
Loose 10 more lbs and keep it off
Love my post baby body (surprisingly this is the skinniest I have been in years)
Keep up with twice monthly playdates with my bestie....great for mommy and kiddos too
Date night at least once a month
Listen more talk less
Keep the kitchen stocked with healthy food and plan weekly dinners...
(Its crazy to think how much of life's memories are made around is such a big part of life!)
Quarterly meetings with my forever friends ;)
less crap TV...(love to TIVO reality those real housewives..ha!)
less facebook....
Help make our two locations even more successful!
Stay on budget (my shopping love does not help)
Family trip to Disney world
Be ME and don't worry what someone else may think
LOVE my husband more everyday...hes the best!
Accepting and loving the people in my life for who they are and not trying to change them
Go to the beach monthly (at least)
Learn more Spanish
Run a 5k
Eat less sugar.....hmmm....yes, eat less sugar...:)
Finding my style as a hot and healthy Mom
Discover new risks that I want to take...Have a feeling there is something big I am supposed to do
........I could go on....I think this a great start....

I look forward to reading this post at the end of the year and checking off all of these things and thinking how I have enjoyed my loves and created new ones.