Saturday, January 21, 2012


This word keeps coming up this week. "Only the person who risks is truly free"
What risks do I want to take this year? What fears do I want to face?
Why don't we just do the things we dream of doing, dream of being, living the life we dreamed of when we were younger and didn't have all the day to day responsibilities...What will make me Lisa...not Lisa the Mom...not Lisa the Wife...but me Lisa.

What I have learned over these past 31 years from life experience,books, friends, and family...if you are truly happy then your life is happy

It always makes me feel good to "check in" and remember my happiness

It really is the little things, that make me happy...

I made a list about a year ago... a happiness list.. all the things that make me happy..Its funny how many simple things made it

A warm breeze touching my skin
a smile from my kids
a heartfelt hug from my husband
a cup of coffee...preferably a Starbucks caramel macchiato, hot, with soy milk..
Wine, pinot grigio on a hot day and pinot noir when its a bit chilly outside
dark chocolate
working out..pretty new for me, I have only done this consistently since I had my Bella, but I find if I go with out it I get in funk...
time with friends...true friends,my mommy friends,best friends,fun new acquaintances
afternoon visits from Gramma
planning get togethers and having friends over to my house
reading...books,magazines-fashion-design,my nook,my favorite blogs
getting my hair cut and colored
ok, anything that involves pampering
photography,photos all over my home
having my sister close to home
the quiet of the world early in the morning
sparkles of sun sprinkled across the Florida waters
sleeping babies in my arms..oh how I love those warm little bodies and innocent little faces
My small crazy family...Grammas and Titis included
Dancing like nobody is watching
oh, I love writing   ...   and using !!! (bet you already knew that if you know me)

In 2012 I want to be present more in my daily life,with my children,husband,family,and friends
(Isaiah just slept through the night for the first time this week...I can see the light and the energy coming my way ;) Take the risks..big and small

More time outside with my kids
Make fun memories and traditions with them...Jr and I are off to a great start
Take a few photography lessons
Update the kids baby books
Write in my Blog regularly!!
Work out at baby boot camp 3 days a week
Loose 10 more lbs and keep it off
Love my post baby body (surprisingly this is the skinniest I have been in years)
Keep up with twice monthly playdates with my bestie....great for mommy and kiddos too
Date night at least once a month
Listen more talk less
Keep the kitchen stocked with healthy food and plan weekly dinners...
(Its crazy to think how much of life's memories are made around is such a big part of life!)
Quarterly meetings with my forever friends ;)
less crap TV...(love to TIVO reality those real housewives..ha!)
less facebook....
Help make our two locations even more successful!
Stay on budget (my shopping love does not help)
Family trip to Disney world
Be ME and don't worry what someone else may think
LOVE my husband more everyday...hes the best!
Accepting and loving the people in my life for who they are and not trying to change them
Go to the beach monthly (at least)
Learn more Spanish
Run a 5k
Eat less sugar.....hmmm....yes, eat less sugar...:)
Finding my style as a hot and healthy Mom
Discover new risks that I want to take...Have a feeling there is something big I am supposed to do
........I could go on....I think this a great start....

I look forward to reading this post at the end of the year and checking off all of these things and thinking how I have enjoyed my loves and created new ones.

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