Isaiah has been breech for the last month. They have been checking on him every time I go in to the Dr.s office and they told me he turned last week! Yay! Then I went in for my weekly checkup today and the Dr. wanted to double check his position with an ultrasound. It scared me for a second. I don't want him to be breech again. So we got a quick ultrasound and he is head down!!! Yay! We got to see a portion of his face. Its hard to get a good look of the baby on an ultrasound at this stage since he is squeezed in there so tight. So far from what we saw he looks just like Bella!!! We got to see his lips nose and chubby cheeks!! Check out his picture below. I will be 38 weeks pregnant tomorrow. So it is safe for him to come anytime now! I am ready! I have gained 20lbs so far with this pregnancy. I gained 25lbs with Bella so it looks like this one will be a bit less. I wonder how much he weighs??...

I had two wonderful baby showers this month. One on the 4th that my best friend Cathie hosted. It was a really cute duck theme. and One on the 11th that my 6 best friends from high school hosted. It was an All Star theme. Both were so special in every way and meant the world to me! Thank you girls for all the time, effort, and thoughtfulness that went into them. I only have a few pictures and the girls are working on getting theirs uploaded. I will share them soon! I received some beautiful clothes and boy things that we needed for Isaiah. I have them all washed and ready for his arrival. I love looking at all the little newborn sizes and the smell of the Dreft baby detergent. It smells sooo good! Brings back memories of Bella being a newborn. We took a poll of Isaiahs weight and date. I can't wait to see who gets the closest!
Cathie and I |
Gramma to be and Mommy to be |
Forever Friends |
Who's having the next baby???
Bye, Bye from Bella. xoxo This is from today, Daddy put his socks on her...silly Daddy! |
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