I will be 26 weeks pregnant on Friday. Our little boy is still growing healthy and strong! My Belly has definitely gotten bigger! I have felt pretty good throughout the entire pregnancy. This one has been easier than Bella's. I am just starting to feel tired and a bit uncomfortable around my ribs. I have sciatic nerve pain that really hurts!! I had this with Bella too. So I am kind of used to it. I just hate it when that sharp pain startles me when I move a certain way. My doctor told me to get a pregnancy belt to help support my belly. Since my pregnancy's are close together the pain started earlier with this one. We are getting ready to start working on his room! I think Bellas room was already painted and almost done at this point!! I don't have as much time with running after Bella! We are hoping to get it painted next week. The bedding is called Junior Varsity from Pottery Barn Kids. We are doing a sports theme! Our little MVP!
Well, I guess you are wondering what we are naming our little boy!
Junior and I decided our son will be named.......Isaiah Noah Cotto.
We love it and have been enjoying calling him by his name already!
We can't wait to meet you Isaiah!! I love you!